We’re excited to announce that Brenda Benham, is joining us as a guest blogger! To get to know her better, here are a few facts and tidbits about what makes her dynamic:
What does it mean, to you, to be a Dynamic Woman?
For me, being a dynamic woman means being positive, optimistic, and magnetic.
How are you dynamic in your life?
I am dynamic in my life by organizing friends to come with me to music and theatre events. I am also dynamic dancing at my NIA classes and hiking at beautiful Lighthouse Park.
How are you dynamic in your business?
I am dynamic in my business by sharing little known scientific facts about how people learn and remember. Knowing these scientific facts can transform how people present and lead to many more memorable presentations.
How has the way you approach relationships changed since becoming a part of the Dynamic Women?
Through Dynamic Women, I have learned how to make deeper connections based on the 7 ways to connect that I learned through the Dynamic You program. I also now recognize the importance of having strong women in my life. The Dynamic Women community has given me that.
Share a favourite moment from a Dynamic Women event.
When I attended the Dynamic Women Event in July 2018 at Hycroft, I learned so much from Diane’s questions and also from the other Dynamic Women. I especially appreciated various Dynamic Women challenging me to think about what I really needed when I launched my business and what could wait until after I’d been up and running a little while.
What is 1 thing you ABSOLUTELY couldn’t live without and why?
I couldn’t live without music both classical and folk. Music calms me when I am upset, gets me up and dancing when I’ve been sitting around, and makes my life so much richer.

About Brenda
Brenda Benham is a retired lawyer in Vancouver, BC, who worked in private practice and in-house. She has taken training and undertaken research on how to give effective and memorable presentations. Brenda has been a part of a Toastmasters Club for over 15 years. When she helps her clients with their presentations, they say she is easy to work with and provides practical tips to improve anyone’s presentation. Brenda is passionate about sharing what she has learned about how to structure a presentation, use PowerPoint, and manage nerves to have the required presence to give truly Memorable Presentations.
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