We’re excited to announce that Kathy Fester is joining us as a guest blogger! To get to know her better, here are a few facts and tidbits about what makes her dynamic:
What does it mean, to you, to be a Dynamic Woman?
To be a dynamic woman is to be a self-assured business owner that believes in personal and professional development with a keen understanding of support that other Dynamic Women are willing to give.
How are you dynamic in your life?
As I look forward to retirement in the next few years, I find myself reflecting on where I have been and what is to come in this journey called life. I continue to grow as a dynamic women in both my personal life and my business life. I look forward to how the next stage of my life will look.
How are you dynamic in your business?
I bring collaboration and human connection to my business daily. I continue to network and create relationships with people all over the world to bring gratitude and kindness to the forefront.
How has the way you approach relationships changed since becoming a part of the Dynamic Women?
I became a life-time member of Dynamic Women immediately at my very first meeting. The friendships that I have now are meaningful both personally and professionally. My heart is full and continues to grow as current and new relationships develop in a form of trust, integrity, and love.
Share a favourite moment from a Dynamic Women event.
My favourite moments of Dynamic Women are our monthly meetings. I try and attend every single one. Each one is so different and I learn so much from the Dynamic Women that attend. Diane Rolston provides an amazing opportunity to dig deep and develop skills to work into our personal and professional lives.
What is 1 thing you ABSOLUTELY couldn’t live without and why?
I could not live without my family. They are the centre of my heart. My family includes my husband, daughter, sister, etc. plus the many old and new friendships that I am blessed to have by my side. I am truly blessed and live by the primary thought of never taking these blessings for granted.

About Kathy
Kathy Fester is a Relationship Marketing Specialist with SendOutCards. She is CGO (Chief Gratitude Officer) of K.I.T. Communications, is a master teacher, speaker, master of ceremonies, and a connector for business owners around the world. Kathy assists business owners in creating systems to make a human connection and share gratitude with multiple touch points over the year. Kindness and gratitude are the primary goals with her business. Get to know her at sendoutcards.com/kathyfester
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