You are someone with integrity, who is reliable and trustworthy – wouldn’t you like people to remember you in this way? I do! Unfortunately, we can’t always fulfill our obligations due to “life.” As they say, life happens.
As I’ve navigated through time management and balancing my personal life while taking care of my family and 2 jobs, being accountable to oneself isn’t always easy. In fact, it’s been pretty difficult at times.
Now that I have my scheduling almost under control, it’s time to be accountable for my actions, promises, and not have any excuses. Wow! That seems kind of tough and harsh I have to say.
Life always throws curve balls at us. As I continue to do a “bang-up” job juggling life and tasks, I have discovered the wonderful world of having accountability partners. So much so, I give my time to help others be accountable. I have not only found this to be helpful to my amazing partners but also to myself. I not only don’t want to let them down, but I also don’t want to let myself down.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a colleague or close friend that can just tell you like it is without worrying about hurting your feelings? That’s the key! Put your walls down and take it at face value and accept it. Do you want to do better with balance, life, your business, etc.? Let’s just remove the ego and be real with oneself.
Now some people will just shut down with that, but that’s the key. Force yourself to look at yourself and accept the constructive criticism and change your way and fulfill the jobs/tasks that you said you would do. Wow! I said it – yes, it’s hard to do, but so worth it in the end.
I am an accountability partner to 6 different businesswomen. We’ve navigated together what a reasonable “task list” is possible on a weekly basis. Sometimes, we need someone to hear what your week is looking like and calling you on it when they see too many things being written down. We must stay reasonable and know how our week is going to move forward.
An accountability partner can be invaluable – on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. You not only maintain your integrity and get the “tasks” done, you also grow as a person both personally and professionally. It’s a win-win for all.
I have found through my journey that I’m not only maintaining a reasonable list, I’m able to balance my life better. It’s always a work in progress, but I’m okay with that. After all, I am only human. Slip-ups happen, but when I jump back onto the horse…oh boy, I just start galloping forward!
Happy accountability makes a happy person!

About Kathy
As CGO (Chief Gratitude Officer) of K.I.T.Communications with SendOutCards, Kathy Fester helps people navigate life through gratitude. Kathy is loving, passionate, caring and most of all, kind, which is why she is the expert in relationship marketing.
She helps businesses of all kinds harness the power of relationship marketing by guiding them in creating a genuine human connection using gratitude. She gives presentations on relationship marketing and gratitude to businesses and networking groups of all sizes. She is known for her She is known for her genuine and authentic delivery of the topic and her friendly presentation style.
Kathy loves life hard. When she has time to spare, she spends time travelling, reading, and throwing pots on the pottery wheel. Since relationships are a huge priority, she likes to network and connect people. Ready to combine traditional marketing with relationship marketing? Kathy can help you get started:
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